Bringing A Message of Hope

Services Times

Legal support for Creatives, Artists, and Innovators.

Location x Service Times

7506 Garfield St. x New Orleans, LA x 70118

Therefore encourage one another and build each other up as you are already doing.
— 1 Thessalonians 5:11

Sunday x 10:30 am x The Spark

The Spark is a segment of the service that takes place before the general assembly. A spark is defined as something that sets off a sudden force; and it is our prayer that this segment ignites and prepares you spiritually for worship.

Sunday x 10:45 x Worship Service

The general worship assembly is where we all come together to rightly divide the word of God. We begin the service with worship, where we clear our minds and focus solely on the unmerited favor, grace and mercy of God. The sermon that follows is presented in a way that is clear and concise, yet stays true to the text and does not try or add nor take anything away from what the text says.

1. A Word of Light Ministries (Rebrand | 2020)_Artboard D.jpg

Wednesday x 7:30pm x Bible Study

Bible Study is a more intimate time with fellow believers as we take a deep dive into the Word of God. The teachings move at a much slower pace which allows room for increased understanding.